First Place Alpine Dairy Herd
2010 NC State Fair, Raleigh, NC
SGCH Bearly Rebellious Wistaria, SG Spinning Spider TSE Wren, Spinning Spider IP Suzie, CH Spinning Spider AE Flotilla
pictured here with Cullen, Sylas and Morgan Owen
The Alpine show at State Fair was huge. My joy was complete when I heard someone in the audience comment that not only was the first place Alpine herd beautiful, but amazingly was also part of a commercial dairy.
SGCH Bearly Rebellious Wistaria
Wistaria was purchased as a dry yearling from Ben Rupchis. She's one of our best and most consistent Alpine milkers with an extremely well supported mammary system. She finished her permanent championship in the highly competitive Alpine show (86 total milking Alpine entries) at State Fair in Raleigh, winning her aged doe class (19 entries) with first place udder and standing reserve behind a finished doe. 2010 also gained her SG status.
SGCH Spinning Spider NC Islanzadi
Isy is Morgan's doe and everyone's favorite. She's long, level and dairy and consistently throws her type in her kids. She gained her permanent championship in 2009 and her SG status in 2010.
CH Spinning Spider AE Flotilla
Flotilla has one of the highest rear udders in the herd with beautiful teat size and placement. 2010 found her gaining her permanent championship after a strong, competitive show season.
Spinning Spider IP Suzie
Suzie is our Isy/Penrith two year old first freshener. She's long, level and smoothly blended. She's shown well with several BJDIS as a dry yearling and a strong first place finish (24 in the class) in the milking two year old class
at the 2010 NC State Fair in Raleigh.
at the 2010 NC State Fair in Raleigh.